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Energy Platinum Plan

Global supply and demand data, exclusive access to content otherwise reserved for trading customers of the Chicago Energy group, and access to analyst- and broker-preferred resources to help you make informed decisions about strategy and price-risk management.

Starting at $ 750

Includes 14-day trial

KC Energy Newsletter

Our comprehensive energy reports offer in-depth analysis and commentary on EIA reports and market dynamics. You'll receive morning news highlights, forecasts, price analysis, detailed market commentary, and analysis of daily and short-term supply and demand trends for all products covered, including crude oil, refined products, and natural gas liquids. Our insights go beyond the surface, providing you with actionable information to navigate the complex energy market landscape.

Starting at $ 250

Includes 14-day trial

Plastics Insights

The StoneX Plastics Team offers two types of market insight on polyethylene and polypropylene resins in the US.

The Weekly Brief Plastics Video Update is a 3-4 minute market report that features StoneX Plastics Analyst, Howard Rappaport. Drawing on his 40 years of experience in the insdustry, Howard provides a near-term outlook on potential price movement.

The Bi-Weekly Plastics Report is Howard’s written overview of the market, with the added insight of Alex Hodes, Energy Analyst.


Both the Weekly Report and the Video Updates outline key drivers and dynamics that influence cash costs and market prices, including supply and demand, trade activity, inventory levels, and feedstock conditions. 
