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In your free trial you can find

Cocoa Gold Plan

Essential global supply and demand information for cocoa markets in the Americas, Europe and Africa, provided to help our trading customers and subscribers make informed decisions regarding their strategy and price-risk management.

Starting at $ 50

Includes 14-day trial

Cocoa Platinum Plan

Supply and demand data for cocoa markets in the Americas, Europe and Africa tailored to help our trading customers make informed decisions regarding their strategy and price-risk management, plus deep analyst insights that aim to go beyond data and deliver a decisive advantage.

Starting at $ 100

Includes 14-day trial

Coffee Gold Plan

Global supply and demand information for coffee markets in US, UK, Asia and Brazil – available exclusively to trading customers of our Coffee team unless by subscription – aimed at helping readers make informed decisions regarding their strategy and price-risk management.

*Includes Coffee Special Reports

Starting at $ 125

Includes 14-day trial

CoffeeNetwork Platinum Insights

Crucial supply and demand information for coffee markets in US, UK, Asia and Brazil – plus deep analyst insights that aim to go beyond S&D data to deliver a decisive market advantage.

*Includes Coffee Special Reports

Starting at $ 250

Includes 14-day trial

Cotton Gold Plan

Cotton market global supply and demand data – typically reserved for trading customers – aimed at helping them make informed decisions regarding their strategy and price-risk management. 

Starting at $ 300

Includes 14-day trial

Palm Oil Gold Plan (Spanish Only)

Palm oil market supply and demand data – typically reserved for our trading customers – that aims to help you make informed decisions regarding your strategy and price-risk management. Reports are delivered in Spanish only.

Starting at $ 50

Includes 14-day trial

Brazil Sugar & Ethanol VIP Bundle MIB

Essential and exclusive global supply and demand information for the highly interrelated sugar and ethanol markets to help you assess historical and emerging trends and make informed decisions regarding strategy and price-risk management.

Starting at $ 600

Includes 14-day trial

Coffee Differential Insight

Weekly Differential Insight into Coffee's   Main Producing Countries and Varieties.

Starting at $ 200

Includes 14-day trial

Softs Asia Insights

A daily round-up of the main news driving the soft commodity markets, and a weekly commentary on the latest market developments.

Starting at $ 250

Includes 14-day trial

Top Third Cotton

Top Third provides a weekly perspective on cotton, summarizing technical market action for the week and informing on relevant fundamental factors affecting current price trends. Hedge recommendations are also provided for your consideration.


Coffee Special Report - January 19, 2022

* Report purchase includes Spanish, Portuguese and English translations

Arabica Futures Touch Ten-Year Highs, But Shouldn't Inflation be a Factor?

At first glance, it appears the coffee market recently touched ten-year highs, but this is without taking inflation into account. In this report, we consider inflation and develop an understanding as to how analyzing the 2011 and 2014 events can help us anticipate coffee market trends. 

*Included in Coffee Gold Plan and Coffee Network Platinum Insights

$ 3

Relatório Especial de Café - Janeiro 19, 2022

Futuros de arábica atingem máximas de dez anos, mas não deveríamos considerar a inflação?

À primeira vista, parece que o mercado de café atingiu recentemente as máximas de dez anos, mas isso sem levar em conta o efeito da inflação sobre os preços. Neste relatório, consideramos a inflação e aprofundamento sobre como a análise dos eventos de 2011 e 2014 pode nos ajudar a antecipar as tendências do mercado cafeeiro.

*Incluso no Coffee Gold Plan e no Coffee Network Platinum Insights

$ 3

Reporte Especial de Café - Enero 19, 2022

Los futuros de café arábica alcanzan máximos de diez años, pero ¿no debería influir la inflación?

A primera vista, parece que el mercado del café ha alcanzado recientemente máximos de diez años, pero eso sin tener en cuenta el efecto de la inflación en los precios. En este informe, consideramos la inflación y profundizamos en cómo el análisis de los eventos de 2011 y 2014 puede ayudarnos a anticipar las tendencias del mercado del café.

*Incluido en Coffee Gold Plan y Coffee Network Platinum Insights

$ 3